North Okanagan Community Concert Association presents: O-Celli

These eight cellists offer concerts that dust off classical music, renew the repertoire and attract a spellbound audience.

What can sound better than a cello? Eight cellos! This instrument, the closest to the human voice, is one of the few which benefits from being multiplied. When played together with others, the beauties of this instrument add up, giving birth to a unique, full and exceptional sound. Ô-Celli was brought to life by the shared passion of eight cellists, chamber musicians and concertists, for this exceptional vibration they created. Together, they take us on a fabulous journey through a repertoire of both original and arranged pieces, as they carry us through a wide musical panel, ranging from Tchaikovsky to Strauss, and then continuing to the music of Piazzolla and Nino Rota.

Artist Website

Subscriptions for NOCCA’s five Concert 2024 – 2024 Season may be renewed through Ticketseller at $150 for adults ($30/concert) and $75 for students (22 and under).

We have lined up an incredible and diverse season and we are excited to present these artists for our patrons and guests. As we continue in our efforts to return to pre-Covid numbers, we hope you will renew your subscription, and maybe encourage a few friends to become subscribers as well. As we enter our third full season after the pandemic shutdown, we have not gotten over our delight at being able to, once again, be in a concert hall surrounded by live music. Here’s hoping we will always treasure our appreciation for these types of performances.

$40 Adult
$20 Student (21 and under)

Get your tickets here!