kayaking at sunset on Okanagan Lake
Dave Heath

Travel Media

Tourism Vernon partners with travel journalists, writers, bloggers, influencers, and content creators. We would love to connect and share with your audience how to best explore Vernon through storytelling experiences.

Two people dining in the apple orchard at Cambium Cider

Tourism Vernon Offers

What's new and noteworthy for story ideas

Media library for visual assets in high-resolution digital format

 View Library

Article fact-checking

Deliver facts, figures, and information about Greater Vernon

Help create an itinerary for your assignment

Any other assistance required with visits that align with our strategic direction and marketing plan

By The Numbers

people living here (that's juuust right)
hours of Okanagan sunshine (that's 301 days!)
metres above sea level
mm of rain annually
lakes to play in within an hour
months in the warm season (nice and sunny)
Cyclists on the Okanagan Rail Trail

Suggested itineraries

Need a little inspiration? Check out our trip ideas for activity suggestions and favourite spots to visit.

Trip Ideas

Get in Touch

Hannah Lucich

Hannah Lucich

Tourism Marketing Coordinator